Thinking Ahead with Carter Phipps
Your world is evolving—find out how with Carter Phipps, co-author of the Wall St. Journal bestseller Conscious Leadership. He’s an optimist, a generalist, and an integrative thinker. Now he has an excuse for his insatiable book-buying habit—a show that explores the movements, trends, people, and ideas that are shaping the future. Phipps is also author of Evolutionaries, and cofounder of the Institute for Cultural Evolution. Through in-depth interviews and occasional rants and reflections, the show explores the many subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways that the world is changing and developing across a vast array of domains—from business and politics to science and technology to consciousness and spirituality.
Thinking Ahead with Carter Phipps
Integral Conversations: Culture Wars and Human Progress with Jeff Salzman
Jeff Salzman
Episode 40
As my regular listeners will know, I’m deeply influenced by the perspective known as Integral philosophy, and in particular, the insights it affords us into how human culture has evolved—and is still evolving today. This perspective informs the conversations I have on this podcast, to one degree or another. But every now and again, I get the opportunity to welcome a guest who is deeply versed in this philosophy, and we get to have a conversation that more explicitly and directly explores the nuances of this unique way of looking at the world. Since this is a somewhat regular occurrence, I’ve dubbed these Integral Conversations, and I’m thrilled to share this one, with my friend and colleague Jeff Salzman, creator of the Daily Evolver podcast and fellow board member at the Institute for Cultural Evolution.
For well over a decade now, Jeff has been bringing the insights of integral theory and philosophy right down to the ground level, applying them to the social and political issues of the moment. Integral thinkers are often focused on big-picture insights about history and worldviews and consciousness, so Jeff’s commitment to making these ideas accessible and relevant to current events is refreshing—as is his unwavering confidence that culture is indeed evolving, despite what the headlines might suggest. In this wide-ranging conversation, Jeff and I tackle the culture wars, social media, Elon Musk, the war in Ukraine, identity politics, and more.